Facebook devours Twitter - a simple strategy...

Facebook is about to eat Twitter for lunch. I'm slowly recognizing that more and more of my activity is migrating from Twitter to Facebook. I've also been wondering if Apples upcoming IOS 5 integration with Twitter is a strategic mistake on Apple's…

Using hackers as a national resource

Misha Glenny's TED talk entitled "Hire the Hackers" was sent to me about a dozen times today. I was reminded of the excerpt below taken from my 1995 thesis. Reviewing it after all these years, it is not perfect, but does raise some important points…

Realizing the Metaverse

I've got some thoughts on virtual worlds just posted on TechGrid: "In reading the book, it really makes one wonder why we haven’t created better instances of virtual worlds in today’s technology environment. The closest thing to the OASIS of…