Countering the anti-spam Extremists

Richard M. Scoville, editor of a site called the Free Speech Store, is suing the operators of the Abusive Hosts Block List (AHBL) for $3.525 million. On December 17, Scoville got a Texas county court to issue a temporary restraining order, forcing…

First post with WordPress

I am now using WordPress to post this entry. Thanks again to Eric for the help in setting this up. Update: You may notice a few issues, missing images, etc. as the site migrates over and I cancel TypePad.

Even bigger changes...

I decided to become a Typepad customer after hearing about it from Joi Ito.  At the time I was running Moveable Type on a server that I own and wanted a highly reliable, user friendly alternative and I was willing to pay for it.  I moved…

Time for a change...

While I love Typepad, I've found that having my primary URL be a blogging site to be a bit of a hassle.  Within the next two weeks, I will be moving to a primary server that I own and then use as a link to this…